Caring for Tall Cotoneaster

Most well-established tall or shrub cotoneasters tolerate dry soil quite well, so that they do usually do not require supplemental watering when rainfall is irregular. However, they do need moist soil when they are first planted, just before the ground freezes in winter and in periods of prolonged drought. At these times, make sure that each plant receives about one inch a week from rainfall or your watering system. For more information see About Watering Equipment

These tall cotoneasters need only one application of fertilizer each year. In the fall sprinkle a handful of a granular all-purpose fertilizer on the soil under each shrub out to 1-1/2 feet beyond the tips of its branches. Do not let the fertilizer touch the plant. Do not over fertilize. For more information see About Fertilizers

Tall cotoneasters benefit from a 2 to 4 inch layer of mulch on the soil around them. Spread pine needles, shredded leaves, bark, or wood chips, alone, or over landscape fabric that is laid on the soil first. This will discourage weeds and prevent water evaporation from the soil. Cover the soil out to the tips of the branches (dripline). Keep the mulch away from the main stem to avoid decay and rodent damage. For more information see Using Mulch

While the tall cotoneasters grown as shrubs do not require routine pruning, sometimes it is necessary to selectively remove dead or diseased branches. Certain varieties can be trained to become a tree or a hedge and require shearing or pruning to shape them. For more information see Pruning Shrubs

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