Products With Mycorrhizae

These products contain a root fungi called mycorrhizae, which is packaged in suspension in some kind of medium that will store for up to two years. It is used to help both broad-leaf trees and evergreens. These products are used when planting new plants, transplanting plants to a new place, or on plants already in place. The idea is to get the mycorrhizae down into the root zone of a plant so they can attach themselves to the root system and start doing their good works.

When the mycorrhizal fungi colonize the plant's root system, they create a network that increases the plant's capacity to absorb more water and nutrients such as phosphorus, copper and zinc. This process in turn enhances growth and favors rapid development of roots and plants.

Different groups of plants use different kinds of mycorrhizae, sort of keeping things in each family. On the left are descriptions of each product for each group of plants.

For more information about mycorrhizae go to Yardener's Helper and check out the file Adding Root Fungi To The Soil

Nature's Solution Mycorrhizae (8 Oz)

by Nature's Solution

  • Very Fine, Water Soluble Powdered Form
  • 6 Endomycorrhizae Species
  • 5 Ectomycorrhizae Species
  • Use when planting or transplanting
  • Use on all plants, trees, shrubs, & flowers

NATURE'S SOLUTION endomycorrhizae: Glomus intraradices, G. mosseae, G. dussii, G. clarum, G. deserticola, G. microaggregatum, and also 5 ectomycorrhizae: Psolithus tinctorius, Rhizopogon villosullus, R. luteolus, R. amylopogon, R. fulvigleba. Use with Nature's Solution Compost Tea, Ancient Humate, and Sea Kelp. Use mycorrhizae when planting or transplanting. Mix with water or Nature's Solution Compost Tea and spray on seeds, dip roots or put directly into planting holes at the rate of 1 Tablespoon per 10 Gallons of water or tea. Put just a few granules in the dry form into every planting hole. Drill holes down by a plant if it is already established and put the powder in the hole with water or tea.



Rooters Mycorrhizae S.P. 1lb.

by Hydro Organics

The first and only natural and organic rooting formulas available. For effective rooting of many soft stem cuttings. Available as a concentrated solution to be diluted with water or as an easy to use dipping gel. Proprietary blend of 8 mycorrhizal fungi selected for a broad spectrum of plants, media and environments. Harmonizes with the plant's root system and constructs a microbial network that will vastly improve most plants' growth and vigor. For soil and hydroponic applications.



Plant Success Granular Mycorhizae Inoculant - 1 Pound (Shaker)

by Plant Success

  • Both you and your plants will love Plant Success Granular
  • You can mix it with growing media
  • Can be sprinkled under cuttings or transplants
  • Improves Nutrient Uptake
  • Improves Plant Growth

Plant Success Granular is applied by mixing with growing media, side dressed or banded in rows, or sprinkled under cuttings or transplants.


50pc Ecto Tabs - Organically Based Beneficial Mycorrhizal Fungi for Trees and Shrubs

Ecto Tabs, mycorrhizal fungi. High performance Ecto Tabs for trees contain beneficial Ectomycorrhizal fungi with timed release fertilizer with organic matter and micronutrients. The tabs are organically based with five specifically selected highly effective mycorrhizal fungi to make trees stronger and survive transplanting. Ideal where soils have been disturbed and nutrients stripped away. Each tablet contains 10 million spores from five types of specifically selected mycorrhizal fungi. The spores are effective in increasing water and nutrient uptake, reduction in plant disease and improvements in soil structure. Each tablet is combined with low levels of timed release fertilizers (fulvic acid base) that encourage mycorrhizal growth.

Ecto Tabs are designed for: Alder, Arborvitae, Arctostaphylos, Aspen, Basswood, Beech, Birch, Chestnut, Chinquapin, Eucalyptus, Fir, Hazelnut, Hemlock, Hickory, Larch, Linden, Madrone, Oak, Pecan, Pine, Poplar and Spruce.


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