Question From: V. Valentine - Los Angeles, California, United States
Q: I have 2 lemon trees, one hybrid Washington navel orange tree very small. I also have tiny(just sprouted) golden berries, I though leaf miners only attack citrus trees but they are going after my golden berries as well. And when I had 2 tomato they were going after them as well. But spider mites destroyed my tomatoes even though I used soap spray, and also neem oil on both sides of leaves. I pulled out my 2 goji berry plants cause they destroyed them also but they are growing back. And I have some in pots I planted, plus only a few golden berries. I used soap spray I bought at a nursery, and neem oil and the next day they were back (spider mites). I'm worried about the golden berries it only has about 4-5 small leaves, and the miners got to them. Do you think they will make it? Why would they attack something they usually do not attack. On my orange tree I keep pulling off the leaves and drowning them. I can not do that to such a small plant, when it only has 4 tiny leaves and all are infected.Please any advice it took me along time to get them to grow from seeds. I thought I would have goji berries this summer but spider mites and aphids destroyed them. And now they are growing back in same place from where I pulled the dead plants out.
A: I recommend you spray your plants with AzaMax at the recommended rate and repetition. It's available on Amazon or hydroponic stores. It is non-toxic and OMRI listed. Best And Happy Yardening, Nancy