Question From: D. Carloni - Grosse Pointe, Michigan, United States
Q: Two questions: Our yews are 70 years old. They're in the front of our house facing south, but with shade. The average amount of sun is 5.5 hours with some as little as 3.5 and one right next to it with 6.5. The dirt has gone down below the basement line. (1) Should I put top soil or top soil with compost or what to raise the soil line? The yews are right in front of the house so they will be affected by this. Also, the yews are looking a bit sad. I went through each bush and cut off all the dead branches inside so now there's more light coming into the inside of the yew. (2) Will this do the job or should I replace them? I think the yews were getting wet feet due to the low soil, yet our rain has been sporadic at best. Thank you for your help.
A: I suggest you bite the bullet and replace them. Adding soil will probably kill them anyway. New shrubs will give your house a fresh look. Just don't plant them too close to the foundation. Read the label to find the mature width and site them so when they are mature you can get behind them if you need to. Best And Happy Yardening, Nancy