Question From: C. Daugherty - Descanso, California, United States
Q: My friend has a rose bush that has 1 stem coming from the base of the plant. It starts out round for about 2 or 3 inches then starts to flatten out. It is about 1 1/2 inches wide and about 1/4 inch thick and about 2ft long. It has a boat load of thorns and looks extremely healthy. Have never seen this before on any rose bush. Is this common? Is this rare? I hope you can help? He's never seen this before and neither have I. I don't know that much about roses but this is pretty weird. Thanks for your help. Cliff
A: Cliff, I am saddened to tell you your friend's rose has rose rosette disease which is fatal. It should be removed, roots and all and the refuse bagged and thrown into the trash. I would not replant a rose in the same area for another year. Best Nancy