Question From: Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, United States
Q: Regarding the viburnum beetle: 1. Is its larva a light green? and, 2. Where can I purchase Azamax? (I called English Gardens and was told that they do not carry it and recommend a Bayer product- but will it work?) Thanks so much for your help! I always read your article and depend on you for your great information.
A: The larvae is cream colored with a black head. The Bayer product will work, but it is a nionicatinoid that is questionable for use around bees. It takes 7 to 14 days for a healthy shrub to take it up. AzaMax is available at Hydroponic stores and on It's organic - OMRI listed. The Viburnum beetle larvae has probably done it's damage by now and is in the soil paring for the next go around. Best Nancy